Choosing a Riding Partner the Right way

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Last Updated: February 6th, 2021

Kelly's KornerChoosing Riding Friends

One of the dilemmas newer riders face is finding the right fellow riders with whom to share the road.  After all, you want someone who will understand your capabilities and not push you too far, but who will push you just enough so that you keep getting better.  Plus, we all want to spend our riding time with people we enjoy.  So, really, the criteria are simple: Pick people you like.  Choose people who have demonstrated good decision-making.  In general, people who are asshats off the bike are also asshats on the bike.  And they are no fun to ride with (although they think they are).  Good riding companions encourage and allow you to ride your own ride, ride their own rides and yet do not abandon you.


Choosing a Rider PartnerIf you do not have friends who already are riders, you will have to work harder to make new connections.  Attend local bike nights, and find riding groups online, such as through MeetUp.  Ask local dealers if they know of any riding groups.  Head out to the TEAM Arizona Bike Night to meet some great people and avid riders.

New to riding?  Keep your riding pack small.  Initially, find one person you can trust who will support your learning.  The more people you add, the more complexity is added to the situation.  For entry level riders, reduce the variables by reducing your riding group size.

Who Invited You?

Best Way to Find Riding PartnerMost of the time we get to choose our riding partners, but there will be times when you don’t, such as when friends bring their friends on a ride. In my experience, some of these people have been really cool, and the others not at all. And it was obvious just from listening to them talk about themselves before we all took off that they were going to be the rude show-off riders, and they were. My response?  To focus on riding my own ride (click here for Kelly’s article on Riding Your Own Ride).  Ultimately, the best decision may be to split from a group if you feel the risk taking is unacceptable.  By going your own way, you get to focus on your own ride.  And isn’t that the key in any riding situation anyway?

So, what’s been your experience with choosing your riding partner?  What wisdom have you gained in the process?  Email to fill me in on your experiences!

Kelly Teal Signature




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